What is the current clinical research therapies suggested for someone
suffering from complications due to advanced scleroderma? What about
newer experimental therapies or avenues being tested?? This topic is out
of my field of expertise, any information would be appreciated.
The person in question is a 65 year old woman with advanced scleroderma,
serious hypertrophy of the left ventricle, high blood pressure, GI tract
infection (leading to severe weight loss), and poor respiratory function
(presumably due to progression of scleroderma).
The layman's description of her next clinical recourse is to insert a
catheter of some sort into her lungs to deliver a medication (??) to
assist in treating her debilitative cardiopulmonary function.
Quick responses would be GREATLY appreciated (here or via direct e-mail).
June Kume-Kick, Ph.D.