Intracranial pressure (ICP)

Jan Vorbrueggen jan at neuroinformatik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Mon Jul 24 05:54:50 EST 1995

In article <100073-2307951146050001 at dd15-007.compuserve.com>
100073,2272 at compuserve.com (Hans E Heissler) writes:

   Unfortunately, my last poll (intracranial pressure transients) lead to no
   'responses'. Is there really nobody, who is interested in intracranial
   volume-pressure testing for diagnostic purpose? And, why not?  I would
   deeply appreciate receiving opinions, experiences, etc. (PROs&CONs!).

I remember reading about a device recently, developed by NASA, to measure
cranial diameters with ultrasound as a proxy for ICP, as part of their life
sciences programme. Have a look at the press releases under
http://spacelink.msfc.nasa.gov/NASA.News/NASA.News.Releases/, you should be
able to find it there. Probably came out of JSC.


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