URGENT: NutraSweet(tm) Destroys Usenet!!!!

unidextr at parsifal.nando.net unidextr at parsifal.nando.net
Sun Jul 23 21:53:19 EST 1995

On Sun, 23 Jul 1995 16:11:14 -0400, Betty Martini <betty at noel.pd.org>

<Thank you for replying.  I will forward you the instructions to the 
<auto-responder and will do so for anyone else who wants them.  They are 
<listed in the diabetic newsgroup under FOOT NUMBNESS - AUTO 
<RESPONDER/ASPARTAME.  Since I'm new to Internet I'm not exactly sure how you 
<move something from one newsgroup to another.                   

As Dr Harris requested I would suggest that you go to the headers in the
artivcles you are sending and change:



           To This:

Newsgroups: alt.usenet.kooks

On all of your future postings and any replies you make to the newsgroup
and not by E-Mail!

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