Dairy hormone/NutraSweet

Peter Hood Peter at brentano.demon.co.uk
Tue Jul 25 06:00:54 EST 1995

In article: <3uch9m$4lk at usenet.srv.cis.pitt.edu>  "John T. Robicheau" 
<Robicheau at DrugInfoNet.Pharm-Epid.Pitt.Edu> writes:
> Path: > Betty Martini <betty at noel.pd.org> wrote:
> <300 lines of Nutra-Sweet deleted>

> Everyone who has done "laboratory research" is not an expert.

One might also say that there is no such thing as an "expert".
Expertise tends to be derived from training, practise, and
professional experience - "laboratory research" fits into all
of these criteria, provided the methodology and theoretical
bases are sound.


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