Alzheimer's. Neuro? Help with a net location Plz..

Nadia Diakun-Thibault ab341 at FreeNet.Carleton.CA
Tue Jul 25 05:52:00 EST 1995

David R. Delorme (ddelorme at ix.netcom.com) writes:
> Nana may have Alzheimer's and I do not know where to go for
> information.  Can you please direct me to an internet location?  

start here:

Alzheimer Society of Ottawa-Carleton (CANADA)

Alzheimer WWW

Internet E-mail Resources on Aging
gopher gopher://gopher.os.dhhs.gov/11/dhhd/aoa/aoa

Neurosciences on the Net

Alzheimer Disease Website at Bedford GREC

I have other sites that may be of interest.

Nadia Diakun-Thibault             __o            "To live is so startling
ab341 at Freenet.Carleton.CA        `\<,               it leaves little time
Oxford Mills, Ontario          (*)/'(*)               for anything else."
============================================= Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) ==
Information Provider for            National Capital Freenet, Ottawa, Canada
      Alzheimer Society of Ottawa-Carleton                  go alz
      Council on Aging for Lanark, Leeds and Grenville      go aging
National Capital Freenet ==>  telnet  freenet.carleton.ca   login  guest

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