Ionic channels classification

Peter C. Ruben pruben at anolis.bnr.usu.edu
Fri Jul 21 19:07:13 EST 1995

>Does anyone know litterature references concerning a clear and stable 
>nomenclature or classification of ionic channels in excitable membranes ?
>Especially, I'm looking for the origin of the 'A' in the IA nammed 
>potassium channel.

For the one of the original descriptions of A-type potassium channels,
look at the following reference:

	Thompson, S.H. 1977. Three pharmacologically distinct potassium
	channels in molluscan neurones. Journal of Physiology 265:465-488.

The nomenclature for potassium channels and calcium channels, up until
recently a nightmare, has been clarified. For calcium channels, look at:

	The naming of voltage-gated calcium channels. in Neuron
	13:505-506 (a Matters Arising multi-authored agreement).

As far as potassium channels go, the most recent clarification of the
nomenclature is:

	Chandy, K.G. 1991. Simplified gene nomenclature. Nature 352:26

Hope this helps.

Peter Ruben
Department of Biology
Utah State University

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