Optic nerve atrophy help?

Sun Jul 23 08:33:34 EST 1995

A year ago, I suffered a severe meningitis with prolonged, very high
intracranial pressure.  The neurologist seeing me in hospital did
not give me a spinal tap until 2-3 weeks after presentation.  By
that time, my cranial nerves were badly damaged.  Both optic
nerves were damaged by the ischemia.  There is no reason to
think that they were directly infected, just physically hurt.
I have recovered some sensory functions over the course of this
year, but the basic pattern of optic nerve atrophy remains.  (By
"lucky" chance, I kept just enough vision in the dead-center
of my right eye to read if I keep my eye moving, but you can
imagine how hard it is to recognize a picture or face, let
alone watch a movie!)  BTW, the peripheral vision was spared
completely.  In my left eye, the central-upper field is too
fuzzy to make out any details, and in my right, there is, in
effect, a ring of fuzz around the tiny central clear spot.
If anyone on this newsgroup could possibly offer suggestions or
help (or even hope), I'd be grateful.  Specifically--
--Given that the situation has not been comletely stuck at
  the worst (has improved somewhat), is there anything I can
  do in the way of therapy or nutritional support to help the
  nerves to recover?
--Is anyone doing cutting-edge (so to speak!) research or
  clinical work in this area whom I could contact?
--Are there any promising non-approved therapeutic protocols?
Since the meningitis, my health has been pretty good.
I'd be grateful for e-mail copies of anything posted, since
I'll be out of town and do not want to miss postings on this
topic.  Also please feel free to e-mail me directly.
Amittai F. Aviram
amittai.aviram at sc.edu  (or avirama at univscvm.csd.scarolina.edu)

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