Dear Richard: My point was that when a person was asking advise on
myasthenia gravis, I took the time to type a complete report from a world
renowned physician considered as an authority in this country, on one of
the causes. Because it happens to be NutraSweet as the culprit doesn't
make it reason for ridicule. It just happens that it triggers many
neurological diseases and eye problems as well as diabetes. The people
need to know all things that trigger certain problems if they want to
eliminate the cause.
If someone was giving a reason for a certain illness and I knew of
another trigger I would not put them down for their opinion and their
offer to help the person in need. I would simply say there is another
trigger that could also be causing your problem. There is no excuse for
this kind of discourtesy.
You are right there is free speech and people should be more respectful
of it. When organizations are funded by the manufacturer of a poison and
push this on the public be glad somebody is out there to warn others.
Not a day goes by that I don't get a post that says: "I took the no
aspartame test and my symptoms have vanished." There are three worldwide
organizations operated by
volunteers warning the public about this particular poison triggering
horrible neurological disease. We are all volunteers - nobody pays us -
we care about our fellow man. Here's one nobody got to in time:
"Aspartame killed my wife. No words can express the agony and horror
sweet Joyce endured. This poison destroyed her brain, ravaged all her
organs and blinded her. She died at age 46 in 1991." .... Richard Wilson
We're trying to get this off the market and warn people. It doesn't just
cause a few things - there are 92 documented symptoms! The April, 1995
FDA report lists over 10,000 complaints. How does the FDA handle such a
thing - they decided in June to no longer compile reports of complaints!
Dr. Kessler admitted only 1% report serious findings to the FDA. Until
our warning flyers being given out worldwide now no one knew to associate
their neurological problems with NutraSweet!
Betty Martini
Domain: betty at
UUCP: ...!emory!!betty