Myasthenia Gravis

Betty Martini betty at noel.pd.org
Fri Jul 21 22:17:39 EST 1995

Dear Stacia:    

You attacked a report by a world renowned physician and researcher
who studied Myasthenia Gravis and NutraSweet.   You're a graduate student, 
Dr Roberts is a physician in practice 40 years, and selected by the medical
journal PRACTICE 84 as the best doctor in the USA.  He is the author of more 
than 20 books.  Apparently this means nothing to you, but really, Stacia, 
what research have you personally done in this field? 

Methinks thou shouldst try the key of courtesy in the gate of knowledge! 

Betty Martini
Domain:  betty at pd.org
UUCP:  ...!emory!pd.org!betty

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