Transfection vectors

Giorgio Spagnol spagnol at galactica.it
Fri Jul 21 07:57:50 EST 1995

In article
<Pine.SOL.3.91.950714140905.17267A-100000 at welchlink.welch.jhu.edu> Anne
Mjaatvedt, amjaatve at WELCHLINK.WELCH.JHU.EDU writes:
> I would like to know what are the best transfection vectors for primary 
> neuronal cultures, and if they are available commercially.  If not, 
> could someone give me information on who to request them from. Thanks
> advance for your help.
> Anne Mjaatvedt

Dear Anne,
I do not think you should worry to much about the transfection vector.
Just choose one which suits your needs. Success of transfection is
primarily due to the method used. I had a good number of transformant
both with electroporation and with lipofection, althought I used
neuroblastoma cells.
Best wishes,
Giorgio Spagnol, MD.

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