synchronization without oscillations

Darragh Smyth smyth at zorro
Fri Jul 21 05:41:31 EST 1995

Recent studies my Konig et al (1995) suggest that over short-distances < 2mm
in visual cortex, synchronization of firing between neurons is not necessarily
accompanied by the usual oscillations that occur with synch over longer
distances. However, all the models that I have seen for explaining zero-phase
lag synch in time-delay systems use the oscillations to induce synchrony. Does
anyone know of anyone computational models that can synchronize without using
the oscillations? In otherwords they synch inside one period of firing. It
sounds like a chicken and egg problem but the biology seems to solve it in
some way! Any ideas?


Darragh Smyth
voice: (+)49-(0)341-9732242
fax  : (+)49-(0)341-9732209
email: smyth at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
www  : http://www.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/~smyth/
snail: Inst. Informatik, Uni. Leipzig, Pf. 920, Leipzig D-04009, Germany

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