Neuroscience position, Queensland

A Short adshort at festival.ed.ac.uk
Fri Jul 21 04:43:24 EST 1995

Research Officer Position - Plasticity of thalamocortical projections to
the somatosensory cortex of the rat and the marmoset. We are seeking a
highly-motivated, postdoctoral scientist with experience in in vivo
neurophysiology, immunocytochemistry and neuroanatomy of the mammalian
Preference will be given to candidates who have published work on (a)
thalamocortical connectivity and (b) the somatosensory system. The
successful applicant will work as part of a team which is conducting
in vitro  and in vivo  studies of thalamocortical connections. It is
anticipated that the successful applicant will be available to start
no later that the 15th September, 1995. Position is funded by Australian
National Health and Medical Research Council. Position is available
immediately and is currently funded to 31st December, 1997. Salary is
$36,793 to 39,495A, depending on experience. Please send curriculum
reprints of publications and description of research interests to
Professor Peter Snow, Cerebral & Sensory Functions Unit, Department of
Anatomical Sciences, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Queensland,
Australia 4072 (Tel 61 7 365 2722; Fax 61 7 365 1299; E-mail
<p.snow at mailbox.uq.oz.au>). Applicants should request references from
referees be sent to this address.

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