Myasthenia Gravis

Thu Jul 20 19:16:03 EST 1995

I notice you decided to attack my educational status rather than what I actually
said.  Why don't you ask Dr. Roberts if any of what I said was incorrect? I was
trying to give the original poster some general and non-controversial information
about what goes wrong with Myasthenia Gravis. I addressed the immediate "cause" of
the disease which seems to be the presence of autoantibodies to the ACh receptor.

I think it's an open question why these inappropriate antibodies are being made.
(Although I'm highly skeptical, my position does allow that you could be right about
aspartame.)  You, on the other hand, presented a highly controversial theory as 
being a fundamental and well-accepted fact. So who's close-minded?

--Stacia Friedman-Hill

Betty Martini <betty at noel.pd.org> wrote:
>Dear Stacia:  How come as a graduate student you think you know more than 
>a physician who has been practicing medicine for almost 40 years?  (snipped the
snippy comments...)

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