Myasthenia Gravis

Richard Kerr kerrr at CRYPTIC.RCH.UNIMELB.EDU.AU
Thu Jul 20 02:02:41 EST 1995

Betty Martini <betty at noel.pd.org> wrote the following:
"Dear Stacia:  How come as a graduate student you think you know more than 
a physician who has been practicing medicine for almost 40 years?  Dr. 
Roberts has treated more cases of myasthenia gravis than you have even seen.
I never gave my opinion.  I simply typed in a report by Dr. H. J. Roberts 
who wrote on NutraSweet and myasthenia gravis.  Since we've seen it so 
often and so many people get well after eliminating NutraSweet do you 
think its wrong to advise someone who is suffering what a physician has 
found out in study, especially the world authority on NutraSweet."

probably because Stacia has an opinion as well. Don't go flaming other
people just because this person is a  grad student .   this behaviour is as
lamentable as the traffic directed at you by people who challenge your
 Besides, I see no disclaimer that The opinions of HJ Roberts are not
yours, this back away suggests that all this traffic is mere consciousness

are consumer protection groups the only people who are 'empowered' to
subvert the dominant paradigm?

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