Bon V. Davis II (bondav at wrote:
} Briefly the neurotransmitters and receptors
} were postulated to be the biological substrate of
} shamanic healing(and other Holistic healing).
In a way one can say that neurotransmitters and their
various actions through their receptors and subsequent intracellular
mechanisms are part of the biological substrate of everything that goes on
in the brain, and thus also in the mind which is emergent from what
goes on in the brain. Neurotransmitter action is certainly also part of
the biological substrate of shamanic healing, because all psychosomatic
mechanisms involve at least some changes in neurotransmission to occur
at all.
But this is a little like stating that phone lines are the substrate
of communicating by phone calls.
Dag Stenberg MD PhD stenberg at
Institute of Biomedicine tel: int.+358-0-1918532
Department of Physiology fax: int.+358-0-1918681
P.O.Box 9 (Siltavuorenpenger 20 J) tlx: 1002125 finuh sf
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki,Finland