New WWW server in Neuroscience from France (INSERM U52 Lyon)

Bruno Barbagli luppi at cimacpcu.univ-lyon1.fr
Thu Jul 20 06:18:23 EST 1995

> Gervasoni (ura1195-4 at cismibm.univ-lyon1.fr) wrote:
> } We would like to announce the creation of a new WWW server devoted to
> } Neuroscience in Lyon France from the lab of Pr. Michel Jouvet (INSERM U52,
> } CNRS URA 1195). The goal of this server is to display our results
> } The address of the server is: http://ura1195-6.univ-lyon1.fr/
In article <3ul9i6$t7e at oravannahka.Helsinki.FI>, stenberg at cc.Helsinki.FI
(Dag Stenberg) wrote:
> This is a very interesting initiative!
> Unfortunately, I have difficulties in reading some texts: on the intro
> page, after Uni Claude Bernard comes a blank, and under THEMES,
> everything is blank blocks e.g. after Equipe etc.
>   I can read most of the article, and the figures come out mainly all
> right.
>   Does anybody else have this problem? I am using Netscape 1.2b.

First, we thank you for your interrest concerning our work.

We can't tell you about the others clients problems because you are the first
to reply.
We don't understand why you get such problem because the blank part is
only text with one URL.
We tried our html pages with Netscape 1.1 on MacIntosh and PC and it works well.

May be this is due to a problem with the new version of netscape you get ?
If it is available for Mac we will try soon with this new version.

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