Neuroscience Annual Meeting: Roommate wanted

A. John Watson watson_j at bms.com
Thu Jul 20 08:13:56 EST 1995

Going to the Neuroscience Annual meeting in San Diego, November 11-16? 
Looking for a roommate (male) to help keep costs down?  Email me ASAP.


    __ __ __  
  /__/__/__/\   A. John Watson, Ph.D.  
 /__/__/__/\/\   Bristol-Myers Squibb Company  
/__/__/__/\/\/\   CNS Biology, Dept. 404   
\__\__\__\/\/\/   Wallingford, CT 06492
 \__\__\__\/\/   watson_j at bms.com  

My opinions, of course, are my own.  Which is just as well since nobody else seems to want them.


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