postdoctoral position in neurophysiology with human subjects

adolphs ralph radolphs at blue.weeg.uiowa.edu
Thu Jul 20 11:25:11 EST 1995

>Postdoctoral position available in human cognitive neurophysiology.
>We have a unique opportunity for postdoctoral work in the Department of
>Neurology, University of Iowa.  Applicants will conduct single-unit
>electrophysiology on human subjects using a variety of newly developed
chronic human electrodes. This project is a collaborative effort between the
>Departments of Neurology (R. Adolphs, S.W. Anderson, H. Damasio
>and A.R. Damasio) and the Department of Neurosurgery (I. Volkov,
>M. Howard), which aims to combine neuropsychological, 
>neuroanatomical, and functional imaging studies of cognition
>with new developments in chronic single- and multi-electrode recording
>in awake human subjects.  We have recently implemented research 
>that utilizes novel multi-contact electrodes, with the capacity
>to record from many single neurons simultaneously.  Present
>projects include frontal lobe and temporal lobe function,
>including decision-making, reasoning, and emotion.
>Applicants should have, or be in the process of obtaining, a Ph.D.,
>and must have extensive experience with neurophysiological recording,  
>and with data analysis.  We are especially interested in the 
>analysis of temporal information, such as multi-neuron coherence.
>  We expect applicants to secure their
>own funding, although interim departmental funding is 
>For more details, contact:
>Dr. Ralph Adolphs
>Department of Neurology
>200 Hawkins Drive
>Iowa City, IA 52252.
>Phone: 319-353-8610
>email: ralph-adolphs at uiowa.edu

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