Anything on Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

John T. Robicheau Robicheau at DrugInfoNet.Pharm-Epid.Pitt.Edu
Tue Jul 18 21:06:43 EST 1995

mpalmer <msp30> wrote:
>All patients who have developed CJD after Growth hormone treatment in the USA, UK and France, received cadaveric HUMAN pituitary der=
>ived hormones during the 1970's and 80's. Such material was first introduced in 1958. Hormone prepared in this way was contaminated =
>with the infectious agent (Prion) from CJD cadavers. There are now over 60 cases of CJD transmitted in this way. 
>Dr. Mark S. Palmer

Sorry Dr. Palmer, you are right. I was wrong.


Music is the cry of the soul. F.Delius
John <Robicheau at DrugInfoNet.Pharm-Epid.Pitt.Edu>

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