Thinking of Studying Neuroscience

Joseph Halgas st93kn9n at dunx1.ocs.drexel.edu
Wed Jul 19 10:41:42 EST 1995

   Hello everyone. I am a senior here at Drexel University and will be
graduating next June with a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering.
I am currently very interested in the field of neuroscience and 
neurosurgery and am considering entering the field after I have
completed my master's degree in EE (I guess I just like electrical
impulses; go figure).
   I was wondering if any of you out there could point me to some good
books or videos regarding the field.  Anything along the lines of basic
text books or journals would be great since I am just a novice when it
comes to neuroscience.  Also, if anyone could take the time to give
me an idea of what is involved in terms of education and residencies
I would truly appreciate it.  I realize that you probably see requests
like this all of the time and are probably sick of them, but this does
seem to be the best forum for information regarding the field.
   Please feel free to either e-mail me or write a followup to my post.
I would greatly appreciate any and all info/suggestions you can give
me.  Thanks in advance for your help and I'll talk to you all later.

- Joseph F. Halgas, Jr.

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