We would like to announce the creation of a new WWW server devoted to
Neuroscience in Lyon France from the lab of Pr. Michel Jouvet (INSERM U52,
CNRS URA 1195). The goal of this server is to display our results
particularly in Neuroanatomy and sleep regulation. At the moment we have
implanted a complete version of our recent paper in Neuroscience: Afferent
projections to the rat locus coeruleus demonstrated by retrograde and
anterograde tracing with cholera-toxin B subunit and phaseolus vulgaris
leucoagglutinin; P-H Luppi, G. Aston-Jones, H Akaoka, G. Chouvet and M.
Jouvet. Neuroscience Vol 65 pp119-160; 1995.
We particularly tried to show good reproductions of the illustrations. In
the future we will implant other articles and informations concerning our
The address of the server is: http://ura1195-6.univ-lyon1.fr/
Pierre-Herve Luppi and Bruno Barbagli