Neural net needed, I think?!

Matt Jones jonesmat at ohsu.edu
Wed Jul 19 12:12:51 EST 1995

In article <3uhm6l$cul at harbinger.cc.monash.edu.au> mike harvey,
harvsta at its-science.cc.monash.edu.au writes:
>analysis. I need a program that can accurately pick the onset and 
>offset of a neural discharge on a trial-by-trial basis (ie. not just 
>on averaged data) and also count the number of AP's in this time epoch.

This sounds like a task that can be done with established linear
algorithms. A lot of people use simple peak detection or threshold
crossing detection programs for analysis of spike or single channel data.
Some good examples are Axograph (Axon Instruments, Runs on Mac) or pCLAMP
(also Axon Instr - has a single channel detection routine, I would guess
that you could use it for spike data too). There are plenty of other
shareware and commercial programs for this. I'm also pretty ignorant
about neural nets, but I know that they require training and checking by
a human (so do the other ones, in a sense).

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