Dura removal

Didier A. Depireux didier at src.umd.edu
Wed Jul 19 11:51:38 EST 1995

I had given up on this group a while ago, because I thought
the signal to AOL ratio had become too low. I decided to give
it another try recently, and posted a question.
Well, I sure got a lot of mail in response to that question. I asked
how people did their resection of dura after a craniotomy, and I 
got a little more than 15 answers (most of them by private 
e-mail). Two people suggested I buy a dura hook (from Roboz),
one said his durae are usually broken after craniotomy, and 
the rest of messages all basically suggested the same technique:
take a 30G disposable needle.  They have a nice cutting edge; move
the point almost parallel to the surface, and it will catch the dura 
and cut a slit. About half of the responses also suggested that I 
first  bend the tip of the needle away from the bevel, so as to 
create a sort of a hook.

Anyway, it seems that everyone but me knew of this technique. I am 
glad I asked, and I thank everyone for their help!

						didier at src.umd.edu

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