swallow at netaxs.com (Don Jose) writes:
>A friend recently asked me about blind people, and how they dream. I've
>read about people who have lost their vision, but I'm wondering if in a
>person who is born blind, there are any visual perceptions in the
>conventional sense. Could anybody here point me to a book that might
Yes, a person who is born blind still has dreams with visual
perceptions in it. A good recent book is Robert Van De Castle's
The Dreaming Mind. He has a lot of early theories of dreaming
included in the book, that I really haven't seen compiled elsewhere.
He also has chapters on the psychophysiological study of dreaming,
in which the tidbit above was mentioned. I don't really buy
his belief in telepathic dreams, but he certainly is a scholar
in the area.
Will Nelson
Release Engineering
wnelson at dna.eng.sun.com