Wanted GOOD Neuroscience Web Sites

Graham Dellaire popa0206 at PO-Box.McGill.CA
Tue Jul 18 22:57:06 EST 1995

Dear Collegues,

What are your favorite NeuroScience/Medical Web Sites?

I am  trying to compile a list to see what is available out there.
Basically I want to know if there is any areas that need coverage as well.

please reply by E-mail

Thank you in advance,

popa0206 at po-box.mcgill.ca

Graham Dellaire			    Snail Mail:
                                    Red Cross, Research		
McGill University                   Montreal Blood Services	  	
Faculty of Medicine                 3131 Sherbrooke St. East         
Div. of Experimental Medicine       Montreal, QC, Canada           
E-mail: popa0206 at po-box.mcgill.ca   H1W 1B2			   
B2XE at musicb.mcgill.ca							   
WWW Page: http://www.medcor.mcgill.ca/EXPMED/expmed.html	
Fax: (514) 525 0881							   	
Voice: (514) 527 1501 ext 175 						  

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