calcium green-1

Ian Musgrave USER at med.monash.edu.au
Wed Jul 19 01:43:46 EST 1995

G'Day Netters

In article <dzenisek.14.300A9E53 at epo.som.sunysb.edu> 
dzenisek at epo.som.sunysb.edu (David Zenisek [Neurobiology]) writes:>From: 
dzenisek at epo.som.sunysb.edu (David Zenisek [Neurobiology])>Subject: calcium 
green-1>Date: Mon, 17 Jul 1995 17:30:59 GMT

>Does anyone know where I could find the excitation spectra for Calcium 
>Green-1.  I tried MedLine, but didn't have any success.

The spectrum of Calcium Green-1 and several other dyes may be found in the 
Molecular Probes "Handbook of Fluorescent Probes and Research Chemicals". This 
may be obtained from Molecular Probes INc. PO BOX 22010 Eugene, OR 97402-0414 
USA. FAX (503)344-6504.

Calcium Greens Emmission Peak is given as 505 nm with an excitation 
wavelength of 488 nm in this work. However the acompanying spectral scan 
gives the Emm Max as 525 nm, and the fomer figure may be a typo.

Cheers! Ian (who is completely unaffiliated with molecular probes.)
Ian Musgrave PhD. Prince Henry's Institute of Medical Research
Mail: PO Box 5152 Clayton, Vic 3168, Australia. FAX: +61 3 550 6125
E-mail: Ian.Musgrave at med.monash.edu.au         Phone: +61 3 550 4286

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