Alan Elliott alan.elliott at ssc.msu.edu
Wed Jul 19 11:21:46 EST 1995

In article <3uerlo$b59 at nacm.com>, jean at nacm.com wrote:

> This is my medical dilemma.  For the past two years I have
> gotten these terrible headaches.  They only occur after
> alot of physical exhertion, like playing lots of hard
> basketball or lifting weights. These are two of the biggest
> activities that instigate the headaches, it doesn't
> always trigger them off, but does account for over half
> them.  There are other activities that give me these
> very intense headaches, but these two are currently about
> 80 percent of the problem.
> -Ken Christensen

Ken, if I were you, I'd stop playing basketball and lifting weights.  At
least you'd feel better.


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