First Announcement and Call for Abstracts
Interdisciplinary Autumn School and Workshop on
Neural Networks: Application, Biology, and Theory
October 12-14 (school) and 16-18 (workshop), 1995
W"urzburg, Germany
M. Abeles, Jerusalem A. Aertsen, Rehovot J.K. Anlauf, Siemens AG
J.P. Aubin, Paris M. Biehl, W"urzburg C. v.d. Broeck, Diepenbeek
M. Cottrell, Paris B. Fritzke, Bochum Th. Fritsch, W"urzburg
J. G"oppert, T"ubingen L.K.Hansen, Lyngby M. Hemberger, Daimler Benz AG
L. van Hemmen, M"unchen J.A. Hertz, Copenhagen J. Hopfield, Pasadena
I. Kanter, Ramat-Gan C. Koch, Pasadena P. Kraus, Bochum
B. Lautrup, Copenhagen W. Maass, Graz Th. Martinetz, Siemens AG
M. Opper, Santa Cruz H. Scheich, Magdeburg H.G. Schuster, Kiel
S. Seung, AT&T Bell-Lab. W. Singer, Frankfurt S.A. Solla, Copenhagen
H. Sompolinsky, Jerusalem F. Varela, Paris A. Weigend, Boulder
AUTUMN SCHOOL, Oct. 12-14:
Introductory lectures on theory and applications of neural nets for
graduate students and interested postgraduates in biology, medicine,
mathematics, physics, computer science, and other related disciplines.
Topics include neuronal modelling, statistical physics, hardware and
application of neural nets in telecommunication, financial forecasting,
and biological data analysis.
WORKSHOP, Oct. 16-18:
Biology, theory, and applications of neural networks with particular
emphasis on the interdisciplinary aspects of the field. There will be
only invited lectures with ample time for discussion. In addition, poster
sessions will be scheduled.
REGISTRATION: Requested before AUGUST 31, per FAX or (E-)MAIL to
Workshop on Neural Networks
Inst. f"ur Theor. Physik, Julius-Maxmimilians-Universit"at
Am Hubland, D-97074 W"urzburg, Germany
Fax: +49 931 888 5141
e-mail: workshop at
The registration fee is DM 150,- for the Autumn school and DM 150,- for
the Workshop, due upon arrival (cash only). Students pay DM 80,- for each
event (student ID required).
ABSTRACTS: Participants who wish to present a poster should submit title
and abstract together with their registration before August 31.
Registered participants will receive a request form of the Tourist Office
W"urzburg together with general informations. Early registration is
advised. In case of registration after July 31 please contact directly the
Fremdenverkehrsamt, Am Congress Centrum, D-97070 W"urzburg,
Fax +49 931 37372.
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: M. Biehl, Th. Fritsch, W. Kinzel, Univ. W"urzburg.
SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COUNCIL: D. Flockerzi, K.-D. Kniffki, W. Knobloch,
M. Meesmann, T. Nowak, F. Schneider, P. Tran-Gia, Universit"at W"urzburg.
Peter Beate Heller-Stiftung im Stifterverband f. die Deutsche Wissenschaft,
Research Center of Daimler Benz AG,
Stiftung der St"adtischen Sparkasse W"urzburg.
--------------------------------cut here----------------------------------
Registration Form
Please return to:
Workshop on Neural Networks
Institut f"ur Theoretische Physik
Am Hubland
D-97074 W"urzburg, Germany
Fax: +49 931 888 5141
E-mail : workshop at
I will attend the
Autumn School Oct. 12-14 [ ] *
(Reg. fee DM $150,- [ ] / 80,- [ ] due upon arrival) *
Workshop Oct. 16-18 [ ] *
(Reg. fee DM 150,- [ ] / 80,- [ ] due upon arrival) *
* Please mark, reduced fee applies only for participants with valid
I wish to present a poster [ ]
(If yes, please send a title page with a 10-line abstract!)
(please provide full postal address in any case!)
Dr. Thomas Fritsch Institute of Computer Science
Tel.: (+49)-931/888-5512 University of Wuerzburg
Fax.: (+49)-931/888-4601 Am Hubland
E-mail: fritsch at D-97074 Wuerzburg, F.R. Germany