Anything on Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

John T. Robicheau Robicheau at DrugInfoNet.Pharm-Epid.Pitt.Edu
Mon Jul 17 23:09:37 EST 1995

>REJQ89A at prodigy.com (Nathan Cohen) wrote:

>You may call me to discuss...Robert Cohen 201-599-0325...One British 
>farmer got Jacob Cruetzfeldt disease after contracting bovine >spongioform encephalitis directly from his dairy cow.
>dwarves treated with human GH in the 1950's also contracted this rare >disease...

Newsflash Mr Cohen! recombinant human growth hormone didn't exist in the 
1950's. Obviously bovine sources were used. That's why the treated 
patients came down with CJ disease. (totally unrelated to the intrinsic 
GH molecule.)

Why should anyone call YOU to discuss a topic of which you obviously
know so little?

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