Anything on Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

mpalmer msp30
Tue Jul 18 12:48:04 EST 1995

REJQ89A at prodigy.com (Nathan Cohen) wrote:
>You may call me to discuss...Robert Cohen 201-599-0325...One British 
>farmer got Jacob Cruetzfeldt disease after contracting bovine spongioform 
>encephalitis directly from his dairy cow...

Wrong. Nobody has contracted CJD from a BSE affected cow. Three British 
farmers have developed CJD in the last three years. These are clinically 
indistinguishable from sporadic CJD and not an acquired disease. The numbers 
of farmers affected is no more than would be expected by chance given the 
worldwide UK frequency of disease and the number of farmers. The incidence 
amongst UK farmers is identical to that in other European conutries where 
there is no BSE. 

>dwarves treated with human GH 
>in the 1950's also contracted this rare disease...now that Monsanto has 
>co-mingled our milk supply with the new genetically engineered hormone, 
>bovine somatotropin .......

There is no relation between  CJD/BSE and the use of BST. You are confusing 
your issues here.

Dr. Mark S. Palmer
Prion Disease Group,
Dept. of Biochemistry,
St. Mary's Hospital Medical School,
Norfolk Place,
London. W2  1PG

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