In article <3ufasv$79g at>,
John T. Robicheau <Robicheau at DrugInfoNet.Pharm-Epid.Pitt.Edu> wrote:
>REJQ89A at (Nathan Cohen) wrote:
>>You may call me to discuss...Robert Cohen 201-599-0325...One British
>>farmer got Jacob Cruetzfeldt disease after contracting bovine spongioform
>>encephalitis directly from his dairy cow.
>>>>> (which leads to increased levels of insulin-like
>>growth factor,
>>>yes and no.
>>>>> >a powerful growth hormone which is orally active)
>>>No it's not
>>>> there is
>>the possiblitiy that BST exerts unusual growth effects.
>>>>bST isn't a concern
>>>>> FDA recently
>>lied to the American people by suggesting that BST is degraded by
>> is not.
>>>Monsanto didn't though
>>>>> They cited Moore incorrectly, actually
>>Groenewegen proved that only 18% of BST is destroyed by pasteurization.
>>>>>Kessler (FDA Director) testified that no further research was required,
>>partly because BST was so destroyed. This was a lie!
>>>what was a lie?
Actually, I did some checking and both BST and IGF1 are in fact
orally active. Casein was found to exert a protective effect. The point of
dispute seems to be over the level of the hormones in the final product
and if there are concerns that these hormones are carcinogenic. See for
example the debate that occurs in the Lancet between the 16th of July
,1993 and the 19th of November, 1993 (pp. 197, 815 ff, 1443) starting in
I believe volume 343. There is also a paper in the Journal of the Royal
Society (Medecine) vol. 85: 736-739 (1992) critiqueing the Science paper
published by Montsanto that same year -- and from what I could tell with
good reason. Some of the issues that were raised are in fact
still unresolved. Given that I was able to find these articles on a cursory
search and that they were published in highly reputable journals suggests
to me that there are concerns and that a *responsible* scientist would not
be so swift to dismiss them. Forgive me for being suspicious but you do
after all work for a pharmaceutical corporation -- an industry that has a
very poor track record when it comes to public safety. Montsanto in
particular, for example, told everyone that agent orange was A OK, and
later told the public that they had conclusively shown that PCBs were
alright as well. Maybe if you were to identify precisely what your
relationship with Montsanto or Eli-Lilly is?
Alex Taylor
ataylor at
>John <Robicheau at DrugInfoNet.Pharm-Epid.Pitt.Edu>