Ionic channels classification

"John Anderson ", CSHNL jander at UNF6.CIS.UNF.EDU
Tue Jul 18 13:53:49 EST 1995

>   Connor and Stevens coined the term A-current, hence the answer might lie 
>   in the original article. But Hille's comments seem to point to the fact
>   that there's no logical explanation for the 'A'! 
>   Connor J.A. and Stevens C.F., Voltage clamp studies of a transient outward
>   membrane current in gastropod neural somata, J Physiol (Lond) 213 (1971)
>   pp. 31-53.

On page 89 of _Neurobiology, 3rd edition_ by GM Shepherd, it says that
Connor and Stevens isolated the A channel from neurons of the sea slug
_Anisodoris_; my guess is that the "A" comes from the slug's name.

John Anderson

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