William Sommerwerck williams at nwlink.com
Sun Jul 16 19:59:25 EST 1995

>Below is a post that recently appeared in                          
>This is a newsgroup largley devoted to the discussion
>of the ideas of one G.I.Gurdjieff -who was primarily
>concerned with the field of human consciousness and
>its possible evolution.

>I would like to be able to post a response to refute
>this absurd claim and would eagerly welcome any
>feedback regarding the mechanisms that he postulates
>-such as does a meterorite actually have an electic
>charge -if so what is it's magnitude, -does the atmosphere
>actually "recoil" during meteor showers, could nerve "plexuses'    
>actually respond in the manner described -etc.

<stuff snipped>

Meteors ionize the air (because of the high heat) but do not produce
significant EM radiation. Interestingly, meteor ionization trails are
used to bounce radio waves over the horizon.

Gurdjieff lived well into the 20th century. He was certainly aware of
radio (!). Now, if the (non-existant) EM radiation from the meteors
has such a profound effect on the human body, how about radio waves?
What does he have to say about them? Hmmmm?

By the way, don't let this silliness get in the way of your hearing
Gurdjieff's music. Terrific stuff.

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