Dear Doctor Young: Thank you for replying. It always pleases me when
somebody wants to investigate further and, indeed, is looking for the
truth of the matter. Intelligent people are open-minded. Indeed, a lot
of people have been denied the truth in this matter including physicians.
I attended the Conference of the American College of Physicians here in
Atlanta with Dr. H. J. Roberts, the world expert on the subject of
aspartame, and author of books on the subject: "ASPARTAME (NUTRASWEET)
IS IT SAFE? (Charles Press, Philadelphia) and SWEET'NER DEAREST (1 800
-814-9800) These books are written for the lay person to understand the
danger of this product, the symptoms it elicits and the diseases it triggers.
At the Conference endocrinologists had no idea there was methyl alcohol
in aspartame and were shocked that this was recommended by the American
Diabetic Assn (because of Monsanto funding). Many of the doctors asked
for documentation which we had with us. I have a letter from the
endocrinologist who was the professor saying consumers should be warned.
In Neurology lectures the professors were nonplussed to understand the
causation of so many seizures. Yet the case histories obviously
indicated phenylalanine, a component of aspartame that reduces the brain
seizure threshold. One neurologist reading the warning flyer we
distribute worldwide said: "If we had known this we would have
understood these neurological problems were coming from NutraSweet."
You can contact DR. Roberts by writing: H. J. Roberts, M.D., F.A.C.P.,
F.C.C.P. 300 27th Street, West Palm Beach, Florida 33407. His number is
listed with information.
Also, you can call for verification of the problems the ASPARTAME
Nash Stoddard, a NutraSweet survivor herself. She will tell you of the
thousands of case histories that pour in, and the 92 documented symptoms
this chemical poison is eliciting. Also, over 600 pilots have called the
hotline, many of them complaining of having grand mal seizures in the
cockpits of commercial airliners.
Further, she can also refer you to other physicians in the field who have
studied aspartame, that were not funded by Searle/NutraSweet Co. (owned
by Monsanto).
Barbara Alexander Mullarkey, P. O. Box 946, Oak Park, Illinois 60303 is
the journalist who has been writing on aspartame since it was approved
and has everyone of the scientific studies. Last year she wrote a 12
I'm going to email you the instructions for the auto-responder where we
have the warning flyer on NutraSweet and it will contain the telephone
numbers. You can also access Dr. Roberts position paper on aspartame and
diabetes (he is a diabetic specialist - Director of the Palm Beach
Institute for Medical Research since 1964, and a member of many
prestigious medical and scientific organizations - including the
Endocrine Society and the American Academy of Neurology.)
You can also access a literature review that was done to answer someone
who thought the tests had proven safety. Actually, U. S. Attorney Sam
Skinner was asked to do a grand jury investigation of Searle's tests and
instead went to work for Sidley and Austin, Searle's law firm that was
defending the case. In the Bressler study, for instance, when some of the
rats died they were resurrected back on paper. There is an article you
can access about this and I think I have some more information I can forward.
Dr. Roberts has just written a new book called DAAD; DEFENSE AGAINST
ALZHEIMERS DISEASE, and has done research for 30 years. His diabetic
patients played a part in his research he didn't expect. When NutraSweet
was approved they began to present with confusion and memory loss. Since
you are a chemist you can understand how single amino acids like aspartic
acid and phenylalaine, without the other amino acids can cross the blood
brain barrier and deteriorate neurons of the brain. Dr. Russell
Blaylock, neurosurgeon, in his book EXCITOTOXINS; THE TASTE THAT KILLS
says the ingredients in NutraSweet literally stimulate the neurons of the
brain to death. This book is available from Health Press 1 800 - 643-2665.
It's quite technical and being a chemist you would understand
This product was discovered by a Searle chemist testing a peptic ulcer drug.
The FDA turned it into a food additive which would require no safety
monitoring. There was "great" opposition to it ever been approved
because in lab animals it produced grand mal seizures and brain tumors,
for starters! Dr. Roberts article DOES ASPARTAME CAUSE HUMAN BRAIN CANCER
(Journal of Advancement in Medicine, Volume 4, Number 4, Winter 1991) has
been to peer review. I'm more than happy to send it to you if you will
send me a large self address envelope with priority postage to MISSION
POSSIBLE, P. O. BOX 28098, Atlanta, Georgia 30358.
A board of inquiry was convened by the FDA over this issue and then Dr.
Arthur Hull Hayes, head of the FDA, over-ruled his own board of inquiry
who said nt to put it on the market - and then went to work for Searle's
Public Relations firm! He refused to talk to the press for 10 years!
Then came the problems of this monster drug. There were horrible
neurological problems, seizures, vertigo, etc. People were being
diagnosed with multiple sclerosis but in reality it was methanol
toxicity. So far every case I've seen has been reversed! At least that's
the good news. However, there was no one to warn the people so people
didn't know it, kept using the product and perished. One of those people
was Joyce Wilson. She testified before Congress before she died a
horrible death.
Her husband wrote in a local Atlanta paper last April this story:
"Aspartame killed my wife. No words can express the agony an horror sweet
Joyce endured. This poison destroyed her brain, ravaged all her organs
and blinded her. She died at age 46 in 1991.
When we filed suit we were harassed and threatened. Our gung-go
attorneys with a medically documented case suddenly seemed scared away.
The case had to be dropped. Joyce deteriorated so quickly she would not
have been able to participate in the legal proceedings anyway.
Don't listen to the paid Judas-goats and TV celebrities who say its
safe. Save your life and those you love. And avoid the grief I
endured. The makers of this poison considered her death an acceptable
cost of business.. I'm a man without a wife because the NutraSweet
Company is a business without a conscience. April is Anti-Aspartame
month. Take dead serious the warnings you will hear. The life you save
may be your own. Richard Wilson."
When there were safety hearings in Washington aspartame was only in about
600 products, today its in 5000 and climbing and the patent has expired.
The FDA report on complaints of April, 1995 showed 10,000 complaints from
blindness to death. And the FDA admits only about 10% complain to the FDA.
How are they dealing with the problem. They said in the Food Chemical
News in June they would no longer compile reports.
In February an affiliate of NBC in Miami did a complete expose on
NutraSweet called Sweet Sickness. Gwenne Allen told her story about the
8 years of petit mal seizures, headaches, lost of vision, disorientation,
dizziness, insomnia (caused by the phenylalaine), dry eyes, etc. All
symptoms disappeared when she stopped NutraSweet after reading Dr.
Roberts book. She was one of the fortunate ones. You can access her
case report in the auto-responder. She has an email address. She, too,
has now devoted her life to warning others.
The late Dr. Adrian Gross, FDA toxicologist, told Congress that
NutraSweet violated the Delaney Amendment because it was proven beyond a
shadow of a doubt to cause cancer. His last words will never be forgotten:
"If the FDA violates its own laws, who is left to protect the people."
We have no protector, obviously.
The Congressional Record contains the protest of the National Soft Drink
Assn. which said Searle used the wrong test when they had the right one
available, used the wrong solution (tested in a buffered solution instead
of beverage matrix), didn't test for breakdown products (a witches brew)
and didn't test for temperature elevation. By using the wrong test it
wouldn't detect aspartic acid. Yet the National Soft Drink Association
turned right around the lobbied for NutraSweet!
Dr. Wurtman from MIT is quoted in the Congressional Record (S 5511 - May
7, 1985) "Aspartame has been demonstrated to inhibit the
carbohydrate-induced synthesis of the neurotransmitter serotonin.
Serotonin blunts the sensation of craving carbohydrates and this is part
of the body's feedback system that helps limit consumption of
carbohydrate to appropriate levels. Its inhibition by aspartame could
lead to the anomalous result of a diet product causing increased
consumption of carbohydrates."
So NutraSweet is not even a diet product! Dr. Wurtman after writing some
brilliant papers (Dietary Phenylalanine and Brain Function - Proceedings
of the First International Meeting on Dietary Phenylalanine and Brain
Function, Washington, D. C., May 8 -10, 1987), turned right around and
became a consultant for NutraSweet.
I'm sure the point is clear. Those who fought so diligently against
aspartame switched sides, and the public has had to pay the price in
disability and death.
What's more the smokescreens by the FDA in their denial because of their
approval are sickening. If you call the FDA or NutraSweet they give you
this fairy tale about oranges having more methanol than aspartame. In
fact, its in their brochure. What they don't tell you is that in oranges
there is ethanol which is the classic antidote for methanol . Ethanol
inhibits metabolism of methanol and allows the body time for clearance of
the toxin through the lungs and kidneys. (ASPARTAME; METHANOL AND THE
PUBLIC HEALTH, by Dr. Woodrow Monte (Journal of Applied Nutrition, Volume
36, Number 1, 1984)
So when people find out about the methanol they get this song and dance
from the FDA and they have no way of knowing the real truth unless they
were medically oriented or understood chemistry. They become the victims.
The methanol in aspartame converts to formaldehyde in the retina and
people are losing their vision or going blind. In fact, on October 16,
1986 the Community Nutrition Institute petitioned the Food and Drug
Administration to ban aspartame because of its link to blindness.
Dr. Roberts is quoted in an article in the Chicago Sun Time, October 17,
1986 as saying: "the visual reaction to methyl alcohol in heavy users of
aspartame is the same as in drinkers of moonshine whiskey in Prohibition
days: "They go blind." Of 360 patients he has diagnosed as having
aspartame-related problems, Roberts said about one fourth had decreased
vision or blindness, nearly half had severe headaches and substantial
numbers had epileptic seizures, confusion or memory loss, extreme
depression and marked personality change."
This is exactly what we are finding in the general public. But the
public has not associated their problems with aspartame and neither have
physicians because the American Diabetic Assn. and the American dietetic
Assn are funded by Monsanto and recommend this chemical poison. Dr. Blaylock
says that NutraSweet will actually trigger diabetes.
On October 1, l994 MISSION POSSIBLE exposed the ADA at their walk-a-thon
here in Atlanta, sponsored by NutraSweet, of course. We gave out flyers
and Dr. Roberts position paper and an article that appeared that day in a
local paper on the hazards of diabetics using this product. You have no
idea how many diabetics called later to say they had gotten off aspartame
and their blood sugar had come under control and their vision had cleared
up, etc. We dedicated the day to Joyce Wilson. Her son had married the
month before and on her empty chair was one single long stem rose. We
gave out press packs covered in black lace for mourning and garnished
with a single, long stem rose.
The story was written up in a local paper. Dr. Moser, NutraSweet's
consultant, whose job it is to defend NutraSweet when they get exposed
wrote in that it was only psychological that the symptoms disappeared.
Neat reasoning, get off poison, get well and your brain did it.
Actually, a burglar could think of a better alibi!
And that is what is happening everywhere. MISSION POSSIBLE, a volunteer
force in 50 states, is distributing warning flyers worldwide that contain
the symptoms and the diseases triggered by aspartame. Now the people
realize what their problem is and they are getting off the substance, and
getting well - at least those we get to in time. NutraSweet is also
triggering an epidemic of system lupus and its not reversible but the
symptoms at least disappear usually when they abstain from aspartame.
Since you are a chemist I'll be happy to send you the Bada reports
written by Dr. Jeffrey Bada, a chemist. Speaking only about aspartic
acid and phenylalaine he says they cannot be heated with a neutral food
because they convert to the hazardous D amino acids. And what woman has
a chemistry lab in her kitchen to know what a neutral food is. Water is
neutral and cooking changes the chemical composition! Methanol, of
course, converts to formaldehyde and formic acid (ant sting poison)!
The FDA in their brochure admits you should not heat aspartame because it
breaks down and "loses its sweetness"! Another smokescreen, they forget
to tell you what it breaks down into - the methanol into formaldehyde and
formic acid and the phenylalaine breaks down into DKP, a brain tumor agent.
Are you ready for this!? Perhaps the FDA forgot they said that because
now they have approved aspartame in baked goods! Cakes and pies in your
local grocer's bakery can now contain aspartame and do!
One soldier in the Persian Gulf told me diet pop sat out in the Arabian
sun in 120 degrees, for as long as 8 weeks. You know it had to be 150
degrees in the can. They said they drank them all day. Is it any wonder
that the symptoms of Desert Storm Syndrome are identical to aspartame
disease - chronic fatigue syndrome (the methanol breaks down the immune
system), vision loss, joint pain, memory loss, confusion, depression (the
phenylalaine in aspartame depletes serotonin and is producing a crop of
manic depressives), etc. And about those birth defects - Dr. Roberts is
just finishing up a new paper he is writing on aspartame and birth
defects, etc. He has also written on on learning disabilities related to
aspartame. Someone called me from the National Academy of Child
Development and the % of learning disabilities is astronomical.
Talking about memory loss - I might add that when Joyce Wilson died she
was just like an Alzheimer patient - no memory, but she died from
NutraSweet and it was a medically documented case.
On June 2 I visited Newt Gingrich to discuss this mater and brought him a
letter from Dr. Roberts who said: "I am writing you to request a new
Congressional hearing in the near future concerning the documented harm
being inflicted on many Americans, probably in the millions, from the use
of products containing aspartame (NutraSweet). .... I also am concerned
about two other suspect aspartame-related problems on which I have
published in detail -- namely, the acceleration of Alzheimer's disease,
and the initiation of brain cancer. The latter was demonstrated in
several animal studies long before the arbitrary approval of aspartame
for human use. My just-published book, DEFENSE AGAINST ALZHEIMERS
DISEASE, reviews considerable evidence for this Alzheimer connection.
He ends by saying: "Let me reiterate my twofold request. First congress
must review this threat at a new open hearing. Second, it should declare
aspartame products to be an "imminent public health hazard" and withdraw
them from the market if it concurs with my views."
Since I've been on the Internet about a month I have told people they can
be convinced by taking the "no aspartame test". If they will stay off of
it for a month they can determine whether their medical problems are
caused by daily dosing of a chemical poison.
I keep receiving postings back from people saying their symptoms are
disappearing since they have removed aspartame. Several have already
gotten well. We collect case histories to help warn others, and to the
three volunteer organizations warning the world, they come in by the
thousands. There will be no problem convincing Congress - but it was no
problem the last time - and they did nothing. How many more have to die?
At least now we are getting to thousands and thousands of people. As
they get off aspartame and their symptoms subside they, too, make copies
of the flyers and continue to warn others.
If the FDA had not approved this poison, and they had the evidence it was
a poison, there would not have had to been a MISSION POSSIBLE. But we
continue to pass the torch of knowledge around the world, and we have the
documents and evidence that support everything we say. If somebody will
just donate a black hole in space we will get it off the planet.
Unfortunately, Dr. Young, those their to solve the problem ARE THE
PROBLEM. You asked about my credentials. I'm not a physician but I'm
medically oriented having spent 22 years of my life in various aspects of
medicine. I simply echo the words of the experts as do this virtual army
of volunteers holding hands around th world to warn others. All
information is available on request.
When news groups came up on the board I assume you wanted the information
posted, and I thank you for giving this opportunity to explain.
You mentioned the article I posted with regard to the bovine growth
hormone. However, you didn't ask any questions so I would refer to the
expert in the field, Robert Cohen at 201 599-0325. He has graciously
offered to speak to anyone who wishes the truth. While he has done
laboratory research in the past he is employed by no lab, is not biased
and like us has no motive except to warn others about a dangerous product.
Again, thank you for replying and I will email you instructions and
anyone else who wants information on aspartame. All reports I have
mentioned I will be glad to mail on request.
Betty Martini
Domain: betty at
UUCP: ...!emory!!betty
On Sun, 16 Jul 1995, DR. JANIS YOUNG wrote:
> Dear Betty, Please send me your credentials. Or refer me to someplace
> easily a available to me. Your treatment of Aspartame is extremely
> disturbing and as a peptide chemist, I am very interested to determine if
> this is indeed true. Sincerely, Jan Young
> In
> article <Pine.SUN.3.91.950715204816.14849C-100000 at> you wrote:
> : For those interested in the bovine growth hormone controversey and
> : whether dairy is safe in the U.S. please refer to the science medicine
> : nutrition newsgroup. There is an update, lengthy, under Urgent.
>> : Betty Martini
> : Domain: betty at> : UUCP: ...!emory!!betty
>>> --
> ============================================================================
> Janis Dillaha Young, Ph.D.
> Skyline Peptides Tel.&FAX: (510) 655-5885
> 6039 Skyline Blvd. #A e-mail: janyoung at> Oakland, CA 94611-1039 SkylinePep at> ============================================================================