adenosine's functions

Andrew Ray aray at emory.edu
Sun Jul 16 00:38:46 EST 1995

Paul (and anyone else interested),

	I'm no doctor, but I am working on a degree in Neuroscience.
The symptoms you described - fatigue, mem. loss, concentration problems -
are all due to ATP depletion, as a previous posting said.  The reason the 
symptoms are so varied is due to the way that ATP works.  The fatigue is 
probably not neural, but muscular.  ATP is essentially "energy currency"
for the body - the high energy phosphate bonds store (and later release)
energy as it is needed.  With deficient ATP, your muscles have less available
energy.  The other symptoms are due not to ATP itself, but a form of adenosine
called cyclic AMP (aden. monophosphate).  cAMP is used as a second messenger
in neurons.  In other words, it relays and amplifies signals sent to neurons by 
transmitters.  If there isn't enough ATP to transform into cAMP, some types of 
neurons don't work very efficiently.  Memory and concentration to some degree 
controlled through the Hippocampus.  Low cAMP here would cause your symptoms.
As that previous posting said, not having enough of the ATP precursor adenosine 
seems to be the problem.  I don't know enough about CoEnz. Q10 or Gingko 
to tell you why they make you feel worse, but chances are there are alkaloids or 
present in the compounds which inhibited the conversion of adenosine to cAMP.  A
physiologist or clinician would be better help, but I hope this helps clear 
things up a bit.

$ Andrew/Andy Ray    $ Quote of the week:  "I remember when  $
$ Emory University     $     SEX was safe, and RUGBY was        $ 
$ aray at emory.edu      $     dangerous!"                                       $ 

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