Carlos Dwa (jamu at wrote:
: In <3u92ka$bv1 at> matthew at (matthew goodwin)
: writes:
: Greetings and pardon the intrusion,
: Below is a post that recently appeared in
: alt.consciousness,4th-way.
: This is a newsgroup largley devoted to the discussion
: of the ideas of one G.I.Gurdjieff -who was primarily
: concerned with the field of human consciousness and
: it's possible evolution.
: I would like to be able to post a response to refute
: this absurd claim and would eagerly welcome any
: feedback regarding the mechanisms that he postulates
: -such as does a meterorite actually have an electic
: charge -if so what is it's magnitude, -does the atmosphere
: actually "recoil" during meteor showers, could nerve "plexuses'
: actually respond in the manner described -etc.
:: Any info will be much appreciated.
: Please email responses to jamu at
: Thank you,
: ` Carlos Dwa
[ description of meteor mind control (mercifully) omitted ]
This is the second non-science posting on bionet.neuroscience
that presupposes, without evidence, that the human
nervous system transduces radio-frequency electromagnetic
radiation to extract information or control some
primative physiological function. In both cases these fanciful
receivers work at signal-to-noise levels significantly below
unity and filter out the vast wastewater of electromagnetic
sluge we humans pump into the ether with cellular phones and
TV stations.
I will not wave my hand and claim that these suggestions are
impossible. They probably are impossible. It is more important
to say that these are presented as suggestions, not testable
theories. A few oversimplified physical or physiological
facts are cited and then a mechanism that is nearly impossible
to test and has no supporting evidence in the current body of
knowledge. The best description is: a waste of time.
PhD Neurophysiology
Andrew Mitz, Biomedical Eng., National Institutes | Opinions are mine alone
of Health Animal Center, Poolesville, MD | arm at