Experimentation vs. Theory in Soft/Wetware

Eli Meir meir at zoology.washington.edu
Sun Jul 16 13:23:24 EST 1995

The reason I except physics is that 

(a) The mathematicians have been right an awful lot (most of the famous
physicists were mathematicians, not experimentalists - Einstein,
Feynman, etc..).  Thus for some reason, physics seems to work extremely
mathematical (perhaps because physics is so much simpler than biology).

(b) Physicists can't do the experiments they'd like to, so they have no

But neither of these holds true for biology, so I agree with you that
the models can't replace wet experiments in biology (and you need

Eli Meir
Dept of Zoology, Univ of Washington
meir at zoology.washington.edu

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