Dear Robert: I enjoyed your post. When I talk about Senator Metzenbaum
finally supporting Sam Skinner for Secretary of Transportation, it didn't
have anything to do with the FAA not assisting in warning pilots. I
meant that when Sam Skinner became Secretary of Transportation he was
over the FAA. Here is a man who was asked to do a grand jury
investigation to indite Searle for fradulent tests, and instead he goes
to work for Searle's siamese twin, Sidley & Austin, their law firm
defending the case. So his loyalty is to Searle; he's not going to aid
in alerting pilots their product will cause seizures!
When a district attorney goes to work for those who allegedly committed
the crime isn't it like the district attorney going to work for the
There is no doubt that NutraSweet causes seizures. It produced grand mal
seizures in lab animals as it does in the public. Researchers at Mass
Institute of Technology surveyed 80 people who suffered brain seizures
after eating or drinking products with Aspartame. Said the Community
Nutrition Institute: "These 80 cases meets the FDA's own definition of an
imminent hazard to the public health, which requires the FDA to
expeditiously remove a product from the market."
I'm going to forward to you our instructions to get information on
NutraSweet from the auto-responder. One of the case histories is on
Gweene Allen who had seizures for 8 years until she read Dr. H. J.
Roberts' book ASPARTAME (NUTRASWEET) IS IT SAFE? She stopped aspartame
and within a month her seizures stopped, her vision improved and the rest
of the symptoms she had suffered for 8 years completely disappeared. She
is one of the fortunate ones. We faxed this case history to an NBC
affiliate, Channel 4, in Miami and they used her to film an expose on
NutraSweet on February 27 and February 28. In fact, they used her story
like a commercial or teaser all weekend long and it jammed their lines
with people who realized their problems too were from NutraSweet. They
referred these calls to the Aspartame Consumer Safety Network and the
answering service couldn't hardly take the calls - said at least 5 or 6
people were holding at any given time.
The called the expose SWEET SICKNESS. They even mentioned that people
using aspartame because of the phenylalaine in warm climates were more
prone to deadly melanomas. Did an incredible job and completely exposed
the entire FDA approval process.
I was given a Diet Coke by accident and almost lost control of the car as
my body trembled. In Dr. Roberts new book DAAD; DEFENSE AGAINST
ALZHEIMERS DISEASE, he explains how these single amino acids without the
other amino acids in protein can pass the blood brain barrier and
deteriorate the neurons of the brain - which is the cause of Alzheimers.
There are other neurotoxic substances that also trigger Alzheimers, a
20th century disease, now the 4th leading cause of death in adults in
this country, but NutraSweet has accelerated the disease according to Dr.
Roberts. Even the baby-boomers are getting it. 4 million in this
country have it and 250,000 each year get it, with 100,000 dying; 50% of
those in nursing homes according to Dr. Roberts have Alzheimers.
We've got to get this substance off the market. I've been on Internet
about 4 weeks and we keep telling people to take the "no aspartame test"
and see if their medical problems aren't caused by daily dosing of a
chemical poison. You would be surprised how many people have posted back
with me to private email that their symptoms are disappearing, their
headaches are gone, their vertigo is gone and even their vision is improving.
(The methanol converts to formaldehyde in the retina).
I don't kow what state you're in but Dr. Roberts is giving a seminar here
at the Doubletree Hotel on July 29 and he will go into the connection
between Alzheimers and NutraSweet. I know that when some people die from
NutraSweet they are like an Alzheimer patient without memory. That's how
Joyce Wilson was when she died. Her husband, Richard, wrote: "Aspartame
killed my wife. No words can express the agony and horror sweet Joyce
endured. This poison destroyed her brain, ravaged all her organs and
blinded her. She died at age 46 in l991." .........
Joyce testified before Congress and did everything she could to warn
others, but finally she could no longer remember anybody and then she died.
As to sending the protest of the National Soft Drink Association to our
representatives, or that part of the congressional record - what
difference would it make? They heard it! They heard Joyce Wilson. They
heard Dr. Roberts. They heard Dr. Elsas say it caused mental
retardation. And they heard the late Dr. Adrian Gross, FDA toxicologist say:
(talking about NutraSweet violating the Delaney Amendment because it
causes cancer)
"Is it not clear beyond any shadow of a doubt that aspartame had caused
brain tumors or brain cancer in animals, and is this not sufficient to
satisfy the provisions of that particular section of the law? Given that
this is so (and I cannot see any kind of tenable argument opposing
theview that aspartame causes cancer) how would the FDA justify its
position that it views certain amount of aspartame as constituting an ADI
(Allowable Daily Intake) or 'safe' level of it? Is that position in
effect not equivalent to setting a 'tolerance' for this food additive and
thus a violation of that law? And if the FDA itself elects to violate
the law who is left to protect the health of the public?"
When I hear the hospitals talk about all these youngster with brain
tumors I could weep. The FDA says they are going to no longer even
compile complaints. The FDA is the last person that is going to help.
They converted this substance that was discovered by a Searle chemist
while testing an ulcer drug , into a food additive (must have had a magic
wand). This means they don't have to monitor it for safety, and since it
was the FDA who over-ruled the Board of Inquiry who said not to approve
it, they are not going to admit they were wrong.
This is why people all over the world are distributing our warning
flyer. Three worldwide organizations are warning the world - MISSION
As case histories pour in the FDA looks the other way and tells people
this is a safe substance. Thats why I said FDA means Fatal Drugs Allowed!
Betty Martini
Domain: betty at
UUCP: ...!emory!!betty