Brain Radio Emission

Richard Nacamuli headwave at access5.digex.net
Fri Jul 14 21:47:22 EST 1995

	Perhaps it would help if I elucidate my working model for
neural radio communication: The neurons contain molecules, possibly
protein molecules embedded in their membranes, which can be excited
to emit radio or microwave EM waves. There are distinctly different
groups of cortical neurons. Each group represents a certain specific
type of sensory information; a sensory `bit', if you will, that's
either on or off. Each one of these cell groups possesses a molecule
that is unique to it; that is, each group is on its own frequency and
can only communicate with similar cells. 
	There may be hundreds or thousands of variations of this 
molecule, each emitting on a discrete frequency. It is actually more like 
telemetry than spread-spectrum. Information is broken down into the 
sensory elements of which it is composed and transmitted in parallel.
The receptor brain simply reconstructs the information. As a rudimentary 
example, let's say that there are groups of cortical cells representing 
the sensory elements, `hot', `bright', and `high'. These cells would 
communicate via radio with their brethren in another brain. Now, name 
something hot, bright, and high. The sun, perhaps? You see, your brain 
automatically associates the concepts which in this case are composed of 
simple sensory `bits' of information which could be easily transferred.

	I'm sorry but, I simply can not see any medium other than
radio waves as a potential medium for telepathic communication unless
it is so far beyond the reach of modern science as to render it
irrelevant. If there was, we would have discovered it and would be
using it by now.

Richard L. Nacamuli                                      "E per si muove"
headwave at access2.digex.net                                        Galileo

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