Yuen-Har Tse yuenhar at bnr.ca
Fri Jul 14 04:37:01 EST 1995

HKartzinel (hkartzinel at aol.com) wrote:

: I tend to agree with Mike.  My husband and I are by no means telepathic; I
: "know" what he's thinking (typically) without asking him, and vice-versa. 
: Nor do I believe that a mother and her child can communicate via radio
: emissions.  However, I think that a strong emotional bond between 2 people
: allows them to "predict" what they might be thinking; this is enhanced
: with age and time spent together.  (My grandparents have been married 54
: years now and they know each other like the back of their own hands!)

I hear what you're saying and I agree.  But I'm talking about knowing
that events have happened in the lives of people you haven't seen for a
while and don't live with.  For instance, two dreams in the last 4

In the first, I dreamt of a telephone conversation with my school friend
in which she said she had to go to hospital about an eye problem.  When
she next phoned me (in reality) this is what she said!

In the second dream, I dreamt that someone I was at university with 
had split up with his girlfriend (whom I've never met).  When I phoned
him a few weeks later, he told me they split up a few weeks ago.  That
freaked me out and I didn't know whether or not to tell him about my

These are just two examples of my experiences.  I'm not saying that I'm
telepathic, but I am beginning to wonder if it is more than just

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