Rat Barrels - Staining

Jim Hutchins hutchins at fiona.umsmed.edu
Sat Jul 15 13:10:33 EST 1995

Paul Kiser (PJKISEZ1 at ulkyvm.louisville.edu) wrote:
: Can anyone please recommend a good stain to label barrels in rat somatosensory
: cortex? I am hoping to look at them through coronal sections in order to
: compare them to other research.
: Thank You
: Paul Kiser
: University of Louisville
: Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology

Cytochrome oxidase or succinate dehydrogenase.  For protocols, see Wong-Riley
papers (CO) or Killackey (SDH) or send me a private e-mail.

Jim Hutchins
Assoc Prof Anatomy, Asst Prof Neurology (Research), Univ Mississippi Med Ctr
http://fiona.umsmed.edu/~hutchins/  ***  mailto://hutchins@fiona.umsmed.edu
``There are two tragedies in life: one is not getting what you want.
The other is getting it.''  Oscar Wilde, _The Importance of Being Earnest_

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