Craig MacDonald craig at cs.toronto.edu
Fri Jul 14 19:10:45 EST 1995

Ola Nordmann <bruker at oslonett.no> writes:

>kais at telepost.no wrote:
>> In article <NEWTNews.21124.802875215.kais at telepost.no>, <kais at telepost.no> 
>> > ...
>> > Can you get psychotic after getting whiplashsymptoms
>> > If someone can help me whit that Quistion, I will giv moore info.

I am not a doctor but have some personal experience with medical

Interestingly enough, :( there may be a brain and/or brainstem injury
involved.  Get a neurological examination done.  If it comes back
negative then ask yourself one question.  Is this the person that you
knew before the whiplash incident?  If not, then consider getting
another neurologist.  Someone who believes whiplash injuries are real?
Is there continuous pain?  In order of increasing severity consider,

Sleep disorder			do sleep study
Fibromyalgia			get an EXPERT to test for characteristic
				tender points
Autonomic System Dysfunction	get another neurologist
  Barre-Lieou Syndrome
Brain injury			get another neurologist

It is easier to arrive at a diagnosis of somatization or preexisting
psychological problems, especially when there is potential secondary
gain.  No proof is necessary, only a knowing nod or wink.

Unfortunately in this way, doctors can exacerbate the persons pain and
difficulties coping with changes in body sensation and their inchoate
recognition of the diminished reliability of cognitive functions.  Is
there a dissociation, or denial of injury?

I don't know many doctors that appreciate the profound impact that
"mild brain injuries" can have.


Craig Mac Donald (craig at cs.toronto.edu)
Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto

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