Tom Cunningham <phystom at> wrote:
>I'm currently setting up a rig for extracellular recording of action
>potentials. I need to come up with an inexpensive
>amplifier that I can connect either to a window discriminator or an A/D
>board. Our institute has a good electronics shop so making an amp is a
>possiblity. If anyone out there has some suggestions for a good commerical
>amp or a reference for a circuit diagram please drop me a line.
We have made several amplifiers and one suggestion that I have is that
you don't try to be too fancy. One of the amps has an LED bar graph
to indicate the level of amplification; the problem with this is that
it introduces noice into the signal. We also found it convienient to
have a zero offset in the circuit that can be disabled with a switch.
Lance Corey
Dept. Pharmacology & Therapeutics
University of British Columbia