I would greatly appreciate if anyone could help with info on treatments
for cluster headaches. A little background.
Headaches usually start one hour after I fall asleep.Pain level is servier
along with nausea,blered vision,run-ny nose.They last 1-2 hours,an can happen
several times a night.The clusters usually last 2 weeks,3-4 clusters a year.
The present bout is now into the 6th week.I can take much more.I am a male 38
years old very healthy other wise,not even a cold or flue in the last several
years.I am under a Doctors care and have seen several Neurologists.
I am told that I have clusters.We have tried many different per-scription
medicines.About the only thing that has worked in the past is Predisone taper.
We have tried Lithium,Pergastat,to many others to mention.They are running out
of ideas,and the pain is killing me.I don't really know if this is the right
place to post this or not.I have no where else to go.
My family doctor is wonderful, and is very understanding of my problem.
So if anyone could help or at least get us headed in a new direction ,I would
be forever greatful!!
I do not drink.I watch my diet and can not tie it to any allergies.There
is no pattern to the clusters.I do smoke.I have also had several head and neck
injuries.(I have been told that that might have a connection.)I have been under
my Doctors care For 6-7 years with this.
I live near the Allentown PA area.
Thank You,
Glenn Wolf