"The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" is about a man with a VISUAL
AGNOSIA. That is, his eyes work fine (sensation is intact) but the higher
order processing that integrates the visual information is damaged. Usually
this occurs when brain vision centers (Broddman areas 17,18 and 19) are
damaged, for example, after closed head trauma. A deficit strictly in
identifying faces suggest even "higher" order processing has been damaged,
perhaps the medial temporal lobe, where facial recognition is thought to be
In article <corradj-120795145754 at barnes_mac1.rockefeller.edu>,
corradj at rockvax.rockefeller.edu says...
>>In article <3tuhh9$62u at globe.indirect.com>, dekorse at indirect.com (James
>DeKorse) wrote:
>>>>> I read a story a while ago about individuals who could not identify
>> faces and others who could not recognize man made objects and such.
>>>> Does anyone know the name of this condition r any references on it.
>>I don't recall the name of the condition, but you'll find similar stories
>in the books of Oliver Sacks (e.g. "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a
>Hat"). I'm sure Sacks provides some references as well as interesting and
>well written accounts of such syndromes. Hope this helps.
>John Corradi | The opinions expressed above are my
>The Rockefeller University | own and do not represent...blah,
>corradj at rockvax.rockefeller.edu | blah, blah.
N. Bradley Keele
Neuroscience Graduate Program
UTMB - Pharmacology J-31
Galveston, TX 77445-1031
Voice: (409) 772-9604
FAX: (409) 772-9642
"Once in a while you get shown the light,
in the strangest of places
if you look at it right."