I am emailing you the bovine growth hormone report which goes into the
insulin growth factor. The insulin growth factor is increased
tremendously, and is the regulator of cancer. This is not the only
problem in the bovine growth hormone, however, as the spleens of lab
animals were increased as much as 46% which means a pre-leukemic
condition. If the lab animals get leukemia so will the public. It is odd
that so many of my friends recently have come down with leukemia, since I
haven't personally seen a case since I left the employ of a hematologist
many years ago. Maybe its just coincidence but I personally believe
there is big trouble here. Also, Monsanto admits an error - this freak
Jurasic Park amino acid epsilon-N-acetyllysine in place of lysine in the
peptide chain. Nobody on planet earth knows what disastrous results can
befall the human race. Welcome to the International Association of
Guinea Pigs and Lab Rats!
The report I'm forward is by Robert Cohen who is the man who filed the
petition to revoke the use of BGH based on the above findings. His
report goes into the insulin growth factor in great detail and he says
that anyone wanting information can call him direct at 201 599-0325. He
wants to warn people not to consume dairy products until this Monsanto
product is removed from the marketplace. He has been doing research on
this almost since it was approved and is very concerned.
He met with the FDA on April 21 regarding this petition and will be happy
to pass on the conclusions of this meeting.
Anyone else wanting the BGH report can email me to forward it, as I have
it on file. He is the expert to talk to.
Since I've had some email return be sure to let me know if you don't
receive this report.
Betty Martini
Domain: betty at pd.org
UUCP: ...!emory!pd.org!betty
On 4 Jul 1995 turbo at vax1.mankato.msus.edu wrote:
> I am looking for information on a drug called Insulin Growth Factor 1- IGF1.
> If you know where i can get any info on this drug please Email me direct.
>>Turbo at vax1.mankato.msus.edu>> Thanks in advance