Betty Martini/HJ Roberts

Robert Rogoff rrogoff at ix.netcom.com
Fri Jul 14 16:43:41 EST 1995

Betty Martini <betty at noel.pd.org> wrote:

>Yes, I'm afraid you missed it all!  Dr. Roberts is on the Active Staff of 
>Good Samaritan Hospital and St. Mary's Hospital (West Palm Beach), 
>Director of the Palm Beach Institute for Medical Research (since 1964), 
>and a member of many prestigious medical and scientific organizations - 
>including the Endocrine Society and the American Academy of Neurology.  
>He has authored eight acclaimed books, two being nominated for a Pulitzer 

>On the aspartame issue he wrote ASPARTAME (NUTRASWEET) IS IT SAFE? 

>On 6 Jul 1995, Jon Stamford wrote:

>> The idea of aspartame being neurotoxic is potentially very 
>> interesting. However, when I did a meddline search I was unable to
>> find anything much beyond the possibility that aspartame might
>> lower epileptic thresholds.
>> A search on HJ Roberts was hardly any more helpful. The only one I 
>> found was a man who has published 5 letters (mainly on vitaminn E) in
>> the last 5 years. Nothing about aspartame.If I missed it, please
>> set me straight.
>> Jon Stamford.

It has come to my attention the aspartame death reported in the above
Roberts _Is it Safe?_ work was due to phenylketonuria (PKU, the
inability to metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine).  If you think
aspartame might not be dangerous consider before it is bonded to the
wood ester becoming a compound which may or may not have similar
qualities to its constituents once catabolized, it is actually the
amino acid phenylalanine, more or less.  So if you or anyone you know
suffers from the rare metabolic genetic disease PKU, you should
definately avoid any and all NutraSweet(tm), according to the
FDA-required message that is clearly printed on every product using
aspartame, per Federal law.

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