Richard Nacamuli (headwave at wrote:
: On 11 Jul 1995, Dag Stenberg wrote:
: > Richard Nacamuli (headwave at wrote:
: > } On the other hand, mental communication by means of biologically
: > } derived radio waves could be quite readily accounted for by means already
: > } well-known and understood. Molecules can emit and be excited by radio waves.
: >
: > What would the range be? What wavelengths are you thinking about? I fing
: > it hard to believe that the range could be anything of practical value
: > (=at least to the next room...). Could you elaborate on your calculations?
: >
: > } Yes, whales and dolphins do live in the sea but, they spend much time at
: > } the surface where neural radio communication could occur.
: >
: > Dolphins use sound, which travels well in the water. Most (but not all)
: > of this is in high frequencies inaudible to humans.
: >
: Over rough terrain, woods, or built-up areas it would be reduced
: considerably. I am experimenting in the UHF portion of the radio
: spectrum, 500 to 3000 Mhz.
: Assuming the energy is emitted from excited molecules over a
: broad range of frequencies like line spectra, its behavior would be
: similar to spread-spectrum radio communications which allow information
: to be extracted from very weak signals.
Spread spectrum would be an unlikely method. First, it is wrong to
interpret spread sprectrum as a method of getting information transmitted
with a very low signal power level. The power at any one frequency
is low, but the overall power is about the same as other transmission
modes. Second, ss requires a common, *extremely* accurate, synchronizing
signal for encoding and decoding. Third, ss requires a carefully-sequenced,
tightly-timed frequency stepping (or synthesis) mechanism. The central nervous
system is notably sloppy in the time domain.
I still have not seen any evidence for ruling out infrared signaling.
Although the skull is opaque to IR, the input and output could be
through the peripheral nervous system.
I still have not seen any evidence for ruling out modulated gravitational
radiation. Maybe a physics expert out there can help.
The arguments for ruling out electric fields is just plain wrong.
The membrane thickness does not determine the size of the electric
field. (Although it does contribute the to calculation.) Single
neurons can be detected a millimeter or more from the membrane that
is only 100s of angstroms in thickness. Groups of neurons can
be detected on the surface of the body with amplifiers no more
sophisticated than a good stereo amplifier (EEGs). Maybe there is
telepathy when two people touch. (Or maybe it just seems that way!)
: Humans, also, communicate with sound as well as sight but this
: does not preclude telepathic communication.
Andrew Mitz, Biomedical Eng., National Institutes | Opinions are mine alone
of Health Animal Center, Poolesville, MD | arm at