Neuroscience software info wanted

Michael Cheney cheney at ucla.edu
Thu Jul 13 18:40:56 EST 1995

In article <emartore.2.300588D8 at students.wisc.edu>,
emartore at students.wisc.edu (Edgardo A. Martorell) wrote:

| I am looking for any animated neuroscience software or cdrom that can be 
| used for teaching an intermediate college level course.  I am interested 
| in animated nerve impulse conduction, resting and action potentials, 
| synapses, etc.  Please, let me know of any available comercial or any 
| other software already being used in other educational institutions.  

You should contact: tjt at neoucom.EDU (Tim Teyler)
He has software that sounds like just what you want, and will even send
you a free demo disk!

Michael Cheney                         cheney at ucla.edu


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