Yuenhar at bnr.ca (Yuen-Har Tse) 12 Jul 1995 wrote:
> Maybe some people can receive and decifer thought waves from those they
> are emotionally close to!
cheney at ucla.edu (Michael Cheney) Wed, 12 Jul 1995 responded:
> Maybe its easy to guess thoughts of those we are emotionally close to.
I tend to agree with Mike. My husband and I are by no means telepathic; I
"know" what he's thinking (typically) without asking him, and vice-versa.
Nor do I believe that a mother and her child can communicate via radio
emissions. However, I think that a strong emotional bond between 2 people
allows them to "predict" what they might be thinking; this is enhanced
with age and time spent together. (My grandparents have been married 54
years now and they know each other like the back of their own hands!)
But where does the phrase "on the same wavelength" come from? Granted, it
would be cool to be telepathic, but I don't think the brain can do this...
yet ? ...